Well, I am sitting here at Covenant- not to worry, not in labor- for my 3 hour glucose tolerance test. I brought my laptop intending to spend these three hours working... but I did not realize that I cant since I am signed into an unsecured network. Bummer. Sooo, this will be a pretty random post with no pictures, since I dont have any on my work computer.
Random thought #1- I am REEEEAAALLY hoping to see a woman come in in labor, and even strategically positioned myself near the elevator and help desk to maximize my chances. I am hoping for broken water. I think that would be most exciting.
Random thought #2- It has been a really long time since the last time I blogged because I have been trying to catch up on scrapbooking (I am over a year behind! Yikes.) before sweet girl number 2 arrives. Also, we just moved to a new home on July 11!! It is only about a mile away from our old house, but is much bigger to accomodate our growing family. Needless to say, between taking care of the worlds sweetest almost 2 year old, getting moved in and keeping two houses clean (our old house isnt sold yet), being pregnant in the hottest summer on earth (okay, so maybe thats not exaclty accurate, but it IS Lubbocks hottest summer on record), and using any free time to scrapbook... blogging hasnt been happening.
By the way, baby girls name is Eden Ann Maines (still debate as to weather or not there will be an 'e' on Ann).
There is so much pregnancy stuff to update on I'm not positive where to start. I guess I will start with what I am doing right now. As I mentioned, I am at Covenant for a 3 hour GTT. Getting to this point has been quite an emotional roller coaster. As most of you know, I did have gestational diabetes when pregant with Tiny Princess. so there was a pretty strong chance that I would have it with this baby also. So my amazing OB, Susan Devine, did the glucose screening (1 hour test) early at 24 weeks. Since I was diabetic last time around I have a glucometer and some left over test strips that are over a year expired. But I didnt figure the expiration should matter too much and