Monday, October 12, 2009

April 7, 2009- We're PREGNANT!!

HA! I started this blog in July and this will be my first ‘real’ post. Nice. But I promise to be better from now on. I have wanted to start a blog for a long time (which is why I made this one in July…), but I always seem to be too busy between school and keeping up with the house. But I will make time from now on!

Hmmm… lets see..

Of course, I am married to the most wonderful and amazing man of all times, Brian James! He really is such a great husband. I admire and respect him beyond words. He is such a hard worker. And he never complains about his sometimes very busy schedule. He is also the world’s best drummer… but I think everyone already knows that! I love knowing how much he loves me and how he would literally do anything for me. He spoils me.. a lot! And he is always so patient and kind with me. God really blessed me with Brian. And he is a blessing to me every single day.

I am about to finish up my masters in counseling. I will be finished with class at the end of this semester, then I just have one more internship to finish up over the summer before I can officially say “I’m done!”. I don’t know what I’m going to do with out school. It’s weird to think about. But I have been in school full time including summers since I started college 5 years ago. I have never been a wife without being in school (Yes, Brian is a very patient husband! J). So really, I have never not been a student since the time I started kindergarten. However, I’m sure that becoming a mom will take up the extra time I have after finishing up school!

On that note, for those of you who don’t yet know, Brian and I are about 10 and a half weeks pregnant! YAY!!! Sweet Baby Maines is due October 30! We are excited beyond words at this new chapter of our lives.

Pregnancy has been really fun (at least for me… I can’t speak for Brian, since he’s the one who’s had to put up with me!). I think the best part so far has been getting to tell everyone. Telling Brian was so much fun! I was so excited that I had to tell him right after I found out. Then we waited a couple weeks to make sure it was real before telling our families. Both of our parents were so excited for us…and them J. Jeremy’s reaction was pretty priceless (I told him we were six weeks and he said “Okay…you just told me that you and Brian had sex six weeks ago, and that is more that I needed to know!”). Hehe! Josh didn’t exactly pick up on the hints we were giving him and finally said “Are you trying to tell me something?” Brothers are so silly. It has just been so wonderful to watch the faces of the ones we love light up with excitement for us when we tell them our news.

Pregnancy has also had some other fun side effects. Most people don’t think these are that fun, but they have been exciting for me. I am referring, of course, to morning sickness and its fun symptoms. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t necessarily like feeling sick, but its fun knowing that I feel like crap because my son or daughter is developing inside of me! My first “pregnancy throw up” happened a week after we found out. I’m not going to lie, it was pretty awesome! I came out of the bathroom with a huuuge grin on my face, which Brian found humorous. And I really wanted to text my mom about it, since I was so excited. Unfortunately, it happened before my parents knew, so I couldn’t share my cool story yet. Other fun things include how incredibly difficult it has become to brush my teeth. It gags me to brush my tongue, but my mouth feels way to grody if I don’t (when I was younger my mom would always tell us that not brushing your teeth good in the morning is like ‘sucking on a turd’), so its usually a pretty interesting balance. Sometimes I start gagging even before I get to my tongue, because I know its coming. Also, I am very sensitive to smells. Considering that Jia, our black lab, is infamous for her gas, this also gets interesting.

I have also been extremely fatigued the past 6ish weeks. But sweet Brian has really been awesome to me. He is always willing to help out around the house. He even usually ends up making me dinner (he makes his dinner too, but usually not the same thing as me…my food repertoire has become limited due to nausea). And he has never once complained about it. I feel so useless and lazy on those days, but he is always encouraging and sweet to me. I really would be a mess without him. I LOVE YOU B!

Well, I guess I have written enough for now. But I will keep posting about all of the excitement of being a mother-to-be!!

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